Friday, April 23, 2010


With only one post made more than a year ago, it's about time to update this space, about anything will do!

So, this second post will be about how I made lunch for myself this afternoon in Jatinangor!

Fried Rice with Salted Fish, YUM!

Went for a jog at 7am this morning. As I was walking back to my hostel, fresh bean sprouts were being sold at the mini market in the neighbourhood. And thus, I decided to cook! =) albeit with limited ingredients!

Rice, my saved leftovers from previous dinners put to good use!
Garlic, chopped
Bean sprouts, clean by breaking off the root ends and keep the rest of the sprout
Salted fish, about 10 1cmx1cm cubes
Chilli paste
Chicken stock, Maggi
Oyster sauce
Soy sauce

My fried rice was made of very simple and easily available ingredients and easy to cook!

Here goes.

Heat up wok and pour in sufficient oil. Throw in your chopped garlic and then then salted fish cubes. Fry till fragrant!

Put in about a teaspoon of chilli paste, or sufficiently spicy for your palate.

Then, throw in your rice, stir fry, add in a bit of water to keep the rice moist. Add in oyster sauce, chicken stock and soy sauce to taste.

Next, bean sprouts go in! Cover your wok with a lid and cook the bean sprouts to your liking as some people like it more uncooked and some like it well cooked!

Just before lifting the rice for serving, add a dash of pepper!

DONE! A simple yet hearty meal for lunch! =)

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